Limited time BOGO plant promo is on now. Select from our BOGO plant category found on our homepage. Free shipping for orders over $250 CAD / $175 USD. Use code: FREESHIP at checkout. ✈️ Our next shipping dates: Canada 🇨🇦 - Tuesday, March 11 | USA 🇺🇸 - Wednesday, March 12.| 🎁 Join our Planthaven Rewards program to earn points and redeem free plants! ❄️ Cold weather shipping - heat packs are included for free in every order.

Our Story

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that Planthaven Toronto Inc. operates on the territory of Treaty 18 also known as the Lake Simcoe - Nottawasaga Treaty. Treaty 18 was signed on October 17, 1818 which outlines an agreement between the Chippewa near Lake Simcoe (Chippewa of Rama First Nation, Chippewa of Beausoleil, Chippewa of Georgina Island) and the colonial government of Upper Canada. This land has been a traditional site for hunting and fishing for over 15,000 years, and we recognize the enduring presence and contributions of Indigenous Peoples to this region. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be able to work on this land and we are committed to stay actively involved in Indigienous community events, activities, and ceremonies in our local area.

Who We Are

Hello! We are Autumn and James, proud owners of Planthaven Toronto. We are a family-run, home business that started in 2020. Our company emerged from a small 500 square foot apartment in downtown Toronto. After 4 years of growth we are now located in Innisfil, Ontario with two dedicated growing facilities for our plants. Our long time passion for nature, gardening and houseplants evolved and manifested itself into what we strive to do - making uncommon plants more accessible to the general public and sharing them with you so that you can build your own tropical oasis in any environment! 

Our Team

Mary Anne Schwarz - Inventory Control Specialist

Alyssa Mate - Packaging Team Lead


What We Do

Planthaven Toronto is a retail online plant store that specializes in uncommon and rare tropical house plants. The majority of our plants are sourced from international growers around the world including countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Ecuador. Our plants come from all different environments of hot and humid to cool and dry. Plants that travel from afar require an acclimation process where we would slowly introduce our local environment to their growing needs so that when they arrive to you, they are ready to grow. For instance, some of our hoya varieties originate from West Borneo, Indonesia where the altitude can reach 4000 ft above sea level!

All of our plants travel far and wide to reach where they are today. Most importantly, they help provide fresh oxygen, foliage appeal, and believe it or not - they improve our mental health and overall well being! In general, as we take care of our plants, they will take care of us.

Autumn stands beside a beautiful Alocasia "Elephant Ear"

James holds up an enormous trail of Monstera Adansonii!

Our Values


We stand firm in our honesty and our trust by offering fair market pricing, excellent quality plants, and live customer support at all times.


We take responsibility for everything that we do. For all your plant related questions and concerns, you can count on us.


We pledge to provide exceptional customer service at all times. Every order and every customer is special to us.


Autumn - 3 years old, planting flowers in her grandmother's garden.


"My name is Autumn. As a young girl, I spent the warmer months of the year with my grandmother planting flowers, fruits and vegetables. Outings to nurseries were some of my most anticipated and memorable childhood moments. I remember spending hours outside in the garden watching my grandmother tend to her lush and beautiful garden that would gain speculation and amazement by neighbours and anyone who walked by. Her indoor houseplant collection was truly magnificent. Growing up in such an environment instilled a level of respect and appreciation for plants.

Moreover, my Indigenous identity and culture has also greatly influenced me and in turn our business, as I have been taught by my community what an integral role nature plays and the significance it has in our lives. I am passionate by nature (no pun intended) and have always enjoyed pursuing the many creative outlets that keep me going. Aside from the plant world, I attended culinary school and have worked in the industry professionally for a significant amount of time.

When James and I are not running Planthaven, you can most certainly find us whipping up something delicious in the kitchen or spending time with our furry friends, Dino and Dewey. James and I both believe wholeheartedly in the passion involved behind the plant hobby and lifestyle and what we do.

Plants have played an enormous role in our mental health and happiness. Knowing we might possibly bring you the same feeling as well as being a part of this amazing plant community together is what drives us the most."


Dewey (Left) and Dino (Right)